01 July 2010


I am truly overjoyed. My items, Tie me not bracelet and Mend a heart earrings have been featured in a curated cluster titled Timeless Elegance, and in an Etsy treasury titled Mend. A kind thank you to these lovely people for featuring my pieces.

With that said, weekends will be filled with processing orders. I've been religiously crafting so keep your eyes peeled for some new additions coming in on the weekends, that's if the weather is kind to me. There is always the inexpensive DIY light tent to consider for all you crafters out there, but I'll much prefer natural light anytime of the day. I've always believed that 'Photography is only done at its best when you're happy.'

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse premiers today here in Singapore, so I thought it'll be cool to share with you this link on YouTube, 8-Bit Twilight Eclipse Interactive. Doesn't this remind you of your Pokemon games on the Nintendo Gameboy? It sure did, for me. Be sure to check it out and don't forget to share this with all of your hardcore Twilight friends. For me, I was led in suspense throughout the whole game, but it was easy to guess who Bella would choose in the end.

Today's the second half of the year, which brings us to the 1st of July. Time flies when you're not realising it.
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